This website strives to exercise the utmost care in protecting personal information that affects the privacy of clients. This website may, in certain situations, collect personal information from clients at their own discretion. However, this information shall be the requisite minimum amount, and the discretion of clients shall be respected with regard to provision of other information.
Collection of Personal Information
There are cases in which this website may collect the requisite minimum amount of personal information. In these cases, the purpose of information collection shall be made clear in advance.
Protection of Personal Information
This website appropriately manages personal information provided by clients and takes reasonable measures to ensure that clients’ personal information is not lost or leaked.
Provision/Release of Personal Information
Personal information provided by clients on this website will never be provided or released to third parties without the client’s prior consent, except when required by law, etc.
First-Person Inquiries
When a query or revision of personal information is requested, this website will respond appropriately upon receiving confirmation from the client.
Consent of Clients
Clients’ use of this website assumes their consent to the website’s approach to handling of personal information. In addition, clients are to use this website on their own responsibility. Please note that this content may be revised without notice in the future.