Idea Institute’s Quality Control Framework


When we receive a translation request from a client, sales staff first consults with the client regarding the intended use of the translation. Then, the optimal native translator and checker for that particular field are selected. Once the translation is delivered by the translator, the checker compares it with the source text, checking for mistranslations, missing text, and accuracy of terms. The translation coordinator also checks for consistency in style and language, conformity with a term list or glossary if one has been provided, and accuracy of numerical values. In addition to being viewed from various angles by multiple sets of eyes, the translation may be mechanically checked using original tools developed by our own R&D department as well. If there are any questions regarding the content, these are confirmed with the client and revisions made as needed. Then, the finished translation is delivered to the client. If the client has any feedback after checking the translation, this is conveyed to the translator and checker to be reflected in future projects.

Furthermore, as a general rule, we assign translation coordinators by client, not by project. This means that even when we receive multiple projects from the same client, common items (terms, style, etc.) can be reflected to maintain overall consistency.