Picture-Book Series
Transformation and Transcendence in Early Modern Times

Scenes of Japanese Culture, Part Ⅲ:
Transformation and Transcendence in Early Modern Times
Idea Institute’s annual multilingual picture-book project, which we began in 1997, is now in its twenty-eighth year.
This year’s picture book is the third part in our series “Scenes of Japanese Culture,” which we began the year before last. It introduces major trends in Japanese culture from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century.
We hope that readers will enjoy learning about the development of the culture of the Sengoku period, which strongly reflected the personalities and tastes of its rulers, as well as that of the Edo period, which achieved new heights of splendor and spirituality thanks to prolonged peacetime, through the text and illustrations.
The book’s content is presented in Japanese, English, French, and Spanish.